
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nothing and Something

Sometimes I have absolutely nothing to write about, so I don't blog. Sorry, kids. I know you check anxiously every day to see if there is new and exciting news from the crazy kids who live far away from you. But today I have something.

Wahooo! I have an internship. For a really great organization. So I'm excited to have something to do, and I know I have lots to learn, and I bet Brian is pretty excited to get some alone time. :)

In other, less exciting news... My curtains fell down the other day. Sadness. Of course, it may have been my fear of drilling holes in the wall that did it. I really want to get our security deposit back when we move out of this place, so I have been careful not to put any holes in the wall. So I put the curtain rod up with Command strips (love 'em).  The curtains hung there for a solid 3 or 4 days before tumbling down one evening. Sadness. I guess I'll have to make those holes.

Also, I don't know what kind of weather ya'll have had recently, but this is crazy town in the weather department. Yesterday it was rainy, then sunny, then SUPER windy, then it hailed, then it rained (and poured), then it was sunny and windy. And then today it was nice and even a bit warm in the sun, and then it thundered (that doesn't happened here), and then the bottom fell out of the sky again with hail, and then it was rainy for the rest of the evening. Hail? Really? Every time it has hailed I have gotten really worried that a tornado was coming. And then I realized where I was. Still weird though, right? Can't wait for summer.

Just because I like blog posts with pictures. This guy got me through the Egyptian dessert. And then I couldn't sit for days.

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