
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kimmy Kim Kim

Kim is my future sister-in-law (woot woot) and she really wants a shout-out on the blog. I actually do have a reason for this though, because one day when we were skyping I gave her a little virtual tour around our apartment. When we got to the bedroom she suggested that we needed curtains. I had been thinking about them for awhile but figured no one would notice, but then she did, so I had to get some. So I made these out yesterday, Kim. Just for you.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's snowing!

WHAT?! How on earth could it be snowing?! I just want it to be spring (insert sobbing here)!

This photo is deceiving... it's from when it snowed in November. But that's how much it is snowing right now. Thank goodness none of it is sticking. I hate snow.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Crazy talk.

Who doesn't like chocolate covered strawberries?! No one in their right mind, right?? Yesterday I thought I'd be cute and semi-healthy (haha) by making chocolate covered strawberries. But Brian apparently doesn't like them, so looks like I have to eat them this week. I guess it's not that bad. I'll take the burden for both of us. Look at that relationship working.

All mine, muah ha ha! That was my plan all along.

The most sexist gift ever, right?! It's okay though, I asked for it after I completely destroyed one of my favorite shirts while cooking one night.

If you haven't seen "Up," you should probably go do that.
Thai dinner followed by strawberries followed by the movie "Grumpy Old Men" = a pretty stellar evening. Which was also the first Valentine's Day we had celebrated together. Woot woot. First time for everything.

Hope ya'll are good. It's raining here. Again. And I'm struggling with being awake today.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Spreadin' some love

Happy Valentine's Day, yall! But especially to this guy:

An oldie but goodie, this was taken almost 4 years ago, when the magic all began... Try not to contemplate the pudginess of my cheeks or the fro-ness of Brian's hair for too long (some people used to call him "Mr. Tumnus" that year. See the resemblance?). We've grown up since then.

Also, a very happy birthday to Brian's dad! With a Valentine's birthday, does it feel like the whole world is celebrating your birthday with you? We definitely are!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Meet Spike

Brian's birthday was yesterday, which was complete with pulled pork bbq (made by yours truly), beer, brownie pudding pie, our friend Beth, and Spike. All in all, it was wonderful...

Brian had to come home from school and get in some birthday video games with the boys.

Deliciousness. Brownie pudding pie.

He liked it.
And here's Spike! Our new triceratops...

And to think, this is how he started...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pic of the Day

A fave from the day we went to Discovery Park that didn't make it onto the blog.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Craft Time

I've just decided, people, that when Brian and I have a house (long time from now) and have kids (WAY long time from now), we're going to need an official craft room or table or something designated just for arts and crafts. I mean really, people talk about what a mess their kids made on the kitchen table with their finger paints... I'm just as bad, and my previous roommates will attest to that. I pick out a spot on the floor and designate that as my "art studio." Currently, I have a spot that's right in between our desks, near the window, so I can bask in sunlight when it appears, that is my painting spot. Right this minute there is a half-finished painting sitting there with tons of paints, brushes, palettes, etc. surrounding it. Good  thing it's too cold to walk out onto the porch because we wouldn't be able to get to the door. Also, the bar on our kitchen counter (a.k.a our dinner table) is covered in a mess. An absolute mess. And it will remain there for at least two more days as I work on this guy:

My Valentines Day gift for Brian. Believe it or not, it's a tad difficult to hide a soggy Triceratops head in a 600 sq. ft. apartment. There's been progress made since I took this picture... We had some surgery earlier to take out a mid-section of the obviously disproportionate snout, and tomorrow he's going to get a hanger stuck into his head to stabilize the neck frill stuff (what is that called? I'm not an expert). And he's eventually going to get painted a crazy color, given a name, and put on our wall like a deer head. I'm pretty excited. But totally convinced that if we have kids who are into arts and crafts (which they will be, if I have anything to do with it), we're going to need a lot more room for the mess.