
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Crazy talk.

Who doesn't like chocolate covered strawberries?! No one in their right mind, right?? Yesterday I thought I'd be cute and semi-healthy (haha) by making chocolate covered strawberries. But Brian apparently doesn't like them, so looks like I have to eat them this week. I guess it's not that bad. I'll take the burden for both of us. Look at that relationship working.

All mine, muah ha ha! That was my plan all along.

The most sexist gift ever, right?! It's okay though, I asked for it after I completely destroyed one of my favorite shirts while cooking one night.

If you haven't seen "Up," you should probably go do that.
Thai dinner followed by strawberries followed by the movie "Grumpy Old Men" = a pretty stellar evening. Which was also the first Valentine's Day we had celebrated together. Woot woot. First time for everything.

Hope ya'll are good. It's raining here. Again. And I'm struggling with being awake today.

1 comment:

  1. where do i start w/ the comments here??
    1. love love love the grape soda pin. i bawled like a baby.

    2. i highly suggest choc. covered blueberries and blackberries oh and raspberries too

    3. you look stunning in that melon color
