
Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Food Trials

I just logged on to write a post of my own and was surprised to find that Brian actually wrote one this week! That boy always has something up his sleeve. But it's also funny that he wrote about food, because the is the precise thing I was going to talk about. Can you tell that it's a pretty constant subject of conversation for us?

We were walking around Trader Joe's, our grocery store, this morning, and I was complaining about Brian's lack of good taste and he was reminding me of all the things he has tried this year. And it's true, he has tried quite a bit, and it is one of my life goals to get him to expand his palate. If you don't know him, you should know that Brian is historically one of the pickiest eaters on the face of the planet. And that is only a slight exaggeration, people. He likes carbs and chicken, and that's about it. In college, he ate terribly. I'm not sure that he ate any vegetables or fruits in an entire week.

But now he eats them daily! I am proud to say that this week he has brought fruit salad to school almost everyday. And the other day he told me that he took carrots and hummus for lunch, and I didn't even nag him to do it! He's getting healthier and healthier by the second.

In the past year, he has tried pomegranates, kiwi, plums, grapefruit, pineapple, huckleberries, raspberries, blackberries, peaches, avocado, bell peppers, mushrooms, butternut squash... and I'm sure there is plenty more that we can't remember. The point is, this is awesome. And he's now enjoying so many of my favorite things! So yay. Congratulations, Brian.

On another note, it is an absolutely beautiful day here today. We walked down the street and got some coffee and sat outside this morning. We also got to pet the most adorable apricot-colored poodle pup. And then walked to the grocery store. Now I'm going to go work on some homemade pizza for lunch. Yum yum. Hope ya'll are enjoying your Saturday!

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