
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Monkeys in a Barrel

Hey, folks, we are coming to you live (if you check this at the right time) from Berthoud, CO (just north of Denver). We spent a lovely evening with my cousin Shawn and her two dogs. Katie is currently eating a bagel and some super fresh orange juice. Today we are gonna drive back through Denver, then go west to Moab, UT and try to camp out or something. Which brings me to the greatest new fact ever: Tarantula's migrate. Yea, migrate. Like geese. Or Monarch butterflies. Imagine, you are camping with your parents (as Shawn was) under the stars in cool California and you wake up in the night feeling a slight pitter-patter across your sleeping bag. And you sit up to see the ground moving. But alas, it is in fact a total blanket of tarantulas migrating in the middle of the night. I'm not quite sure where this natural phenomenon takes place, but I am so there. Anyone who wants to join me for Tarantula Watch 2013 or whenever, you comment on this junt and we can make it happen.
On a non-spider note, we will try and upload more pictures this evening, but we may be sleeping in the car so our internet access is questionable.
Did anyone know Qdoba is a fat rip-off of Chipotle? are they the same company?
Well Katie is making typing motions at me so I guess I'll pass the computer to her, lata mi amigos.

Brian was super excited about that Turantula thing. I will NOT be joining him for that one... 
You know what my favortite thing is about this trip? It's the people we're seeing along the way. It's not just us and the road. It's us and the road (and mountains!) and Ced, and Luke and Amy, and the Schaeffers, and Shawn, and my brother and his fiance, and my friend Katy in Missoula. We get to spend time with these people and talk about things that have certainly brightened this trip. I had this thought last night when Shawn (who is considerably older than Brian, but they are cousins), told us stories about his grandmother, who died when he was young. She sounded like the most incredible woman.
Brian is telling me we've got to go, so later. We're hopefully gonna go on a mountain today! YAY! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am so jealous that I am having a hard time reading your blog...but of course I want to know where you are and what you are doing! Alas, what a conundrum! Wish I could check out Moab with you, enjoy the red rock. Miss you guys and hope you have an amazing rest of your cross-country adventure!
