
Monday, August 23, 2010

Poor Marty...

Hello, everyone! 

Welcome to our blog. We decided to create it just to keep up with our friends back east (or rather, more east than the west coast...). In case you were out of the loop, Brian and I are headed out to Seattle, Washington. Brian is going into a PhD program in Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington, and I am currently unemployed and hoping to find a job doing whatever I possibly can! If I can finnagle a deal where I can just paint all day, that's what I'll be doing ;)

Anyway, we leave tomorrow on a road trip to the Emerald City! My car, which my roommate named Marty the Mazda, is looking quite full. Both Brian and I have managed to cram (almost) all our possessions into it, as well as some great road trip snacks and old Brain Quest states quizzes. Everything else will be shipped or stored until we can sort through it later. We're super excited to go! And along the way we will be seeing many good friends, relatives, and siblings, so it should be a good trip. Thanks for stopping by, and we'll post again as soon as we can!


Alright, folks, it's game-time. I ain't got much to say right now, just ready to hit the road in the morning. In case anything goes wrong, we got the Safe Word.  To San Diego we go.
